An anime OVA series based on the manga was later produced by Marvelous Entertainment and animated by Bee Train. The story begins with Dr. Akamashi, introduced as a scientist . But on her way to get help, a magical mishap trapped her inside the body of a bounty hunter named . In the kingdom of Forland - the stronghold of an ancient and powerful magic - a coup led by Dr.
Hard times are upon the Kingdom of Forland: the heir apparent Kaito has gone missing and the righteous. Forced to flee in hopes of preserving her noble bloodline, Princess Alita crosses paths with the infamous bounty hunter Falis. After Princess Alita is forced to flee,.
An OVA series was later produced by Marvelous Entertainment and Bee Train. MURDER PRINCESS translation in Japanese-English dictionary. Come in to rea write, review, and interact with other fans.
Murder Princess is a manga by Sekihiko Inui.
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