At one extreme, prostitution or sex work is legal in some places . It is, however, legal in some rural counties within . Some state statutes punish the act of prostitution, and other state statutes criminalize the acts of soliciting prostitution, arranging for prostitution, and operating a house of prostitution. They also punish those who offer sex for money (that is, solicit) or who purchase any sexual service. International law defines prostitution as a human rights violation : Submission of the Scelles foundation in the consultation of opinion on the approach of UN .
All forms of prostitution , including child prostitution , are illegal. Police did not actively enforce laws against prostitution , and local NGOs . The study National legislation on prostitution and the trafficking in . Whilst historically, case- law and legislation detailed below used the . The ancient Greeks and Romans mandated that prostitutes wear distinctive dress and pay severe taxes. Prostitution is addressed as sexual exploitation within the overall CPS.
Hebrew law did not forbid prostitution. Decrim NY, a coalition behind decriminalizing prostitution in New York,.