Physical activity, especially a low-impact one like walking, is proven to boost mental health and will also contribute to your recovery. But these tips can help you identify and handle common issues as you care for. These exercises can help improve your muscle strength and coordination. You might learn to use mobility aids, such as a walker, canes, wheelchair or ankle brace.
Constraint-induced therapy.
Range-of-motion therapy. To help someone who had . Read about recovering from a stroke. A team of different specialists may help with your rehabilitation, including physiotherapists, psychologists,. You can also read our guide on caring for someone with communication difficulties.
Its purpose is to help people who have had strokes and their families get the most. This is because people . A stroke , a particular type of brain injury, can cause widely varied physical and emotional .
Others offer physical, occupational, and other types of therapy that can help you recover. When you know someone who is recovering from a stroke , it is important to know that social support , helps the healing process.