How to use blow-by-blow in a sentence. A purely instrumental album, it peaked at No. Bu sayfanın çevirisini yap Define blow-by-blow (adjective) and get synonyms. What is blow-by-blow ( adjective)?
The definition of blow-by-blow is told with a lot of details. An example of a something told blow-by-blow is a story about a .
An account, description, or commentary including every detail of the action or event. The media published a blow-by-blow. Highly detailed (us. in reference to a chronicle of some sort) 2. You will fly backwards and forwards from the front, providing me with a blow-by- blow description of the conflict.
A blow- by-blow account. Hocke, Martin THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY . Synonyms for blow by blow at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for blow by blow.
Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.
Blow By Blow — Jeff Beck. Unfortunately, it remains little more than a blow-by-blow account, one that could easily have been prepared by individual Permanent Missions to the United . Oxford Dictionaries as (of wind) move creating an air current.