Look for a pork butt or a pork shoulder (boneless or with bone ). Everything About Pork Shoulder: How to Buy It and Cook It to. You may also see this cut labeled as pork butt or Boston butt , but this is actually shoulder meat. The actual rear of the pig is called the ham.
Go for bone -in or boneless, whichever you prefer.
Bone -in shoulders take a little longer to cook, but can make the meat more flavorful and succulent. All of these labels are . Pork butt is a cut of meat from the shoulder of the pig. Boston butt, or pork butt , is the American name for a cut of pork that comes from the upper part of the shoulder from the front leg and may contain the blade bone.
In this video I show you how to debone a pork butt. To remove the bone from a. Bone-in pork butt will take a bit longer to cook, but not much.
Some will argue a taste difference one way or the other. Nope, no difference to me . The Boston butt name implies that it originates. Pork shoulder , Boston butt has been used for barbecue throughout the U. Sold as bone -in and boneless.