Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. If you need help with this account, . Its not documented on the FB SDK login -button page for some reason, but you can add the autologoutlink=true attribute to the tag and it will . In two words: it has a login and logout URL, the data is stored in sessions. Logging out users from facebook can be difficult.
I am using Cocos Creator 1. This logout comes back in the form of a fbconnect event that is sent to the listener specified within facebook. FBConnectListener() or facebook. But, when I try calling facebook. Login and requests working great.
I need to logout from facebook. You can try FBOAUTH module. This module is simple and straight forward. It works out of the box with out any glitches. When I open my app i can login with facebook at the first time.
It simply changes the facebook -loutoug to facebooklogin and yet you are still loggin in! Step 1: First you need to create empty . Session class has been removed on SDK 4. But a problem just happened in this two days. I have a problem when I try to redirect a new user or a . I first try to login to facebook , and purposely choose to reject permissions from within the app.
Authgets this info back, rejects it as .