Unusual discharge is often a sign of infection or inflammation, such as thrush or. However, if you are experiencing yellow -white discharge , it is possible you . Thrush (or candidiasis) is a common condition caused by a type of yeast called Candida. Read about vaginal discharge and the difference between vaginal and urinary. Kaplan USMLE Step prep: Woman with vaginal itching , discharge.
Organisms such as Gardnerella vaginalis may be detected in association with malodorous vaginal discharge. Vulvar itching and a malodorous yellow -green . If yeast infections cause vaginal discharge that is yellow and itchy , or white and curdlike, this remedy may be indicated. A woman needing Sepia often feels worn. Increase or change in the vaginal discharge , including gray, green, or yellow discharge. Vaginal redness, swelling, itching , or pain.
Painful or burning sensation, when peeing, yellowish vaginal discharge. It makes your vagina itch. If thick, white discharge goes along with other symptoms, such as itching , burning and. Yellow discharge is abnormal discharge , as this is a sign of a bacterial . Most girls notice a yellow or white stain on their underwear after they go. Certain types of vaginal discharge could mean that you have . A vaginal discharge that has an odor or that is irritating usually is considered an abnormal discharge.