During ovulation, the discharge or mucus may become very thick , and mucus-like. Bu sayfanın çevirisini yap Two to three days after the period ends, there is a thick , white discharge. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is thin, white , milky and mild smelling. In this article, we provide a color-coded guide to vaginal discharge.

If you realize that your vaginal discharge has an odor, you could be dealing . Ovulation discharge has the quality of an egg white. At first, it might be thick and sticky or tacky, and become more wet and creamy, like a lotion. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection. Clear and Stretchy — This is fertile mucous and means you are ovulating.
Leukorrhea is the normal milky white or clear vaginal discharge. It is usually thin and could have a mild odor. It typically does not come with . In some cases, however, . Discharge is sometimes clear and watery, yellow-green, milky white , or curd-like.

White Milky Discharge -Creamy white. These changes in color and thickness are associated with ovulation and are natural. Unusual discharge is often a sign of infection or inflammation, such as thrush or vaginosis.
Normal vaginal discharge may have a thinner, watery consistency or a thick , sticky . If your discharge is thin and watery, or thick and white (like cottage cheese), . The discharge may change in color, have a foul or fishy smell, or be thick like. Vaginal Discharge may seem weir but find out why all females have it and why. Thick : If your early pregnancy discharge has a cottage cheese-like . This normal early pregnancy discharge is thin, milky white and has a mild. Some will notice a thicker discharge right before they get their perio others may notice a. Healthy discharge should be white , milky or clear in colour. A small amount of milky - white or clear and non-smelling discharge is normal.
This egg white cervical mucus is the most fertile, as it allows sperm to swim easily into the. Learning the differences between normal and abnormal vaginal discharge helps you. A yeast infection can cause thick , white , or chunky-looking discharge. Early pregnancy discharge may present itself as a thick white discharge and milky secretion. This vaginal white discharge early in pregnancy is often the first . Cervical mucus methods help you predict when you will be ovulating by tracking the changes in your vaginal discharge throughout your menstrual cycle.
L) of white or clear, thick , mucus-like, and mostly odorless vaginal. The color and thickness of the discharge change with your menstrual cycle. In these cases, the discharge can be anything from a milky white watery fluid through to creamy tacky pus an in extremes, a foul smelling thick discharge with.

The amount, color and consistency of normal vaginal discharge varies — from whitish and sticky to clear and watery — depending on the stage . Fortunately, even if you do spot the tell-tale thick , “cottage cheese”. The consistency of nipple discharge can vary — it may be thick and sticky or thin and. Chunky white discharge being synonymous with yeast is something someone. It usually has no unpleasant odor and is not itchy or irritating. Signs of infection include unpleasant odor, itching, burning and thick , white vaginal discharge.
It can also be cloudy , bloody, or green.
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